The lock near Milan

Lot: ITV-2770R


The restored lock is located in 30 km. from Milan, Lombardy. There are several halls at choice. The cost of the menu varies from 65 to 90 euros from the person. In this lock it is possible to hold the wedding, any anniversary or the corporate action.

The proximity to Milan will allow guests quickly and to reach easily the venue of the celebration. Also from the lock it is possible to organize excursions to Milan where guests will be able to enjoy the charm marble and on the whole world of famous Duomo, to look at the legendary cloth of Leonardo Da Vinci "Last Supper", to walk on halls of the Brera gallery covered with cloths of great   artists of different eras. And it is the incomplete list of places in which it is possible to be engaged in the megalopolis. Also Milan is the capital of the mode with the large number of shops, boutiques and outlets outside the city.


See also
