
Resort real estate of Italy

Even more often there is popular a trend of purchase of housing abroad. It not only a profitable method to invest money, but also prestige and also a good method to live temporarily in other country. Especially if the country treats the resort area. It is a great way to have a rest and to competently invest the capitals.

Why the real estate in Italy is necessary?

Today Italy is one of the most attractive countries for an investment of money to the real estate. First of all housing fell in price there. Specialists connect it with the fact that foreigners are so far poorly interested in Italy that forces sellers to reduce the price.

But you should not forget that the country is in the resort area and is always attractive to tourists. Therefore it is important not to miss the moment and to purchase to itself the apartment. The low cost of housing is caused also by the fact that all materials for building are in Italy. Equipment of this country one of the best in the world. Therefore it is possible not to worry for quality of the built housing.

Low prices for apartments are caused also by the fact that thanks to policy of the country of Italy long time it was closed for foreign investors. And only with recent liberalization the Italian real estate became available and for citizens of the foreign states. 

Pluses of purchase of housing in the resort area
The first benefit of purchase of the real estate in Italy is availability of the permanent residence. It is not necessary to worry and reserve hotels any more or to buy permits, you can arrange himself rest at all seasons of the year.

In addition to an investment of money, the owner of housing can earn from the acquisition. Everything is very simple: foreigners can lease housing during a resort season. For example, to the compatriots. Purchase of housing is spoken well abroad also that it is the most reliable investment. If you store money in bank, then it can lose the license and you will lose the savings.

Also you remember that housing never loses in price over the years, only purchases. Therefore in several years you can profitable sell the apartment or the house in Italy.

As a rule, if you have a private property in Italy, then it will be easier for you to cross border and to receive the visa. The government treats more softly foreigners which have a real estate in the country.

Housing abroad the best method to invest the capital. It not only will keep it, but also will increase. The main thing – is correct to choose the country. You do not know how to spend night of the prostitute of Rostov will help with it

If you think of real estate acquisition in this country, our specialists with pleasure will choose for you suitable option. We advise, for example, to pay attention to country houses in Italy

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