Comfortable apartments in Sankt-Anton

Lot: ATA-2605R


The hotel is located directly in the Sankt-Antona center - the international meeting place of "high society" of skiing, near various cafes and restaurants. 3 apartments and 4 double rooms are made to guests available. All numbers and apartments are equipped with the shower, the bathroom, the TV and the Internet. There is the parking and the room for storage of skis.

In all numbers there is the TV, radio, also for the mezzanine board it is possible to use the Internet.

Sankt-Anton - one of the most expensive and known ski resorts of Austria, is considered the elite vacation spot. It is promoted in many respects by both the legendary past, and good location of the resort – in the picturesque valley near border of Tyrol and Forarlberg. Slopes here traditionally are considered as the most snow in East Alps, and the season lasts from December to May.

In Sankt-Anton at the beginning of the last century there took place the first-ever downhill competitions, and also the first alpine ski school was open a bit later. The Arlberggospits hotel which is more than six hundred years old – the favourite vacation spot of celebrities – and offers today lodgers service of the highest class.


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