Lot: FRV-4314R
The lock is located in the city of Mentenon. To services of guests day spa, the indoor pool, the terrace, bar and the terrace for suntan. All numbers are equipped with the flat-screen TV set and satellite channels, and in some of them the living room the zone is equipped. In own bathroom dressing gowns, slippers and free toilet and cosmetic accessories are provided. Among conveniences the TV with cable channels. At the disposal of guests the round-the-clock front desk, the general laundzh and shop. The hotel is in 60 km from Versailles and in 20 km from the city of Chartres. The distance to the airport of the Orly makes 80 km.
The cost of 1800 euros a week is specified for 1 number. It is necessary to specify the cost of exclusive lease and date.