Purchase of the real estate in the United Kingdom - profitable investment. And if England can seem an unattainable dream, then, for example, Scotland will be much more friendly and so profitable direction. The legislation of Great Britain does not limit a possibility of foreigners in any way upon acquisition of housing therefore all in your hands.
In Scotland 5 large cities in which it is possible to purchase the real estate of various type. Scots prefer houses with 3-4 rooms and the small house adjoining site. It is interesting that unlike the Russian real estate market, here, as well as in many other European countries, accounting of rooms indoors is based only on the number of bedrooms. The living room and kitchen into account are not taken. That is, for example, our standard "two-room flat", at them would count as "the apartment with 1 bedroom".
Being a part of Great Britain, Scotland, certainly, divides its legislation, but in some questions has the approach. So, for example, the laws regulating the real estate market are a little simpler here and it is logically more clear, than in England what too goes on a hand of future investor.
But, it is always necessary to consider tens of "trifles" which can be help in the course of purchase of the house or other real estate in Scotland or, on the contrary, to become a serious problem.
One of aspects - the law related to the tenant of housing. The essence governed in the following - at property sale, the owner is obliged to offer at first purchase to the tenant who has the primary right to purchase. When the buyer is also a tenant - this law works in its advantage. In this case it is possible to apply for a certain discount which will depend on the accommodation period. Of that case when the buyer is not a tenant, he needs to be convinced that the owner was refused the tenant and now has the right to expose this object in open sale. Derogation from this rule threatens with judicial proceedings. Anyway, the buyer should wait for the end of validity on lease of housing and the moment of the actual moving of the tenant.
The second important aspect upon purchase of the apartment or other real estate in Scotland is connected with its professional evaluation. Before purchase of housing, you need to request data on such assessment from the owner. By rules, the actual cost of the real estate shall not exceed market value that too strongly differs from laws in the Russian market.
The high level of life in Scotland made prestigious the fact of availability of own real estate on its earth. Even if to speak not about the house in Edinburgh or Glasgow, and about a small country house in rural areas, such ownership will bring to future owner a certain status too. Especially as the number of the country real estate is in Scotland at rather high level. The reason for that quite objective - more than 80% of the territory belongs to the agricultural area. It is interesting that the most part of lands under the law belongs to the queen, and upon is ownership, so-called, landlords: rich aristocrats or separate legal entities and physical persons of the foreign states. Landlords in turn hand over these lands to farmers on very modest quotations. Alas, the adverse climate complicates agricultural activity, and titanic efforts result only in small progress. Therefore to take high price, it seems as there is nothing.
In Scotland there is a certain gradation of farmlands: "green fields", "brown fields" and "krofta". "Green fields" - the territory intended for landing and cultivation of green plants. On such earth construction is forbidden. "Brown fields" - the territory in which there were congestions of garbage earlier and to begin construction in this area will be required permission of special instance. Croft is the earth on which the small farming providing income is performed
for one family. In translation into more clear language is "dachas" where Scots spend time on a holiday or at the weekend. But there is one small feature which is controlled tightly by the state instances. As the earth "farmer", on it something shall be grown up, or the owner shall own cattle, for example, to breed sheep or the krupnorogaty cattle. Otherwise, kind of long the earth did not belong to the owners, it will be selected and transferred to hands of "these" farmers. As you understand, many go on cunning and as blind buy couple of nanny-goats or lambs who safely nibble a grass in the allocated territory. The idea about purchase of the house in Scotland in the territory of "the kroft, can seem tempting that actually indeed, but keep in mind, here not to do without "farmer" attributes.
Special article of purchase of the real estate in Scotland - locks. It is known that there is a lot of them. Official sources declare quantity around 3,000 constructions. Some locks are property and responsibility of the state. Here organize the museums and attract inquisitive tourists. Other locks are redeemed by individuals and turned into prestigious hotels. The third group, is thrown and given in a charge of destiny. Permanent rainfall does the part, and they inevitably collapse, being ruined.
Such abundance of fortresses could not disappear from eyes of the quick investors ready to make investments and to receive in the future quite good dividends. To purchase the lock in Scotland and to turn it into the instrument of earning money - a great idea for enterprising businessmen.
By the way, if ownership of own fortress seems to you a very heavy burden, there is a small cunning. The rights to the lock can be contributed to National Trust Fund of Scotland, at the same time having reserved the right of residence in a certain part of fortress. Thus, construction will become available to tourists. At the same time the Fund will be engaged in the maintenance of the lock and ensuring his viability. The list of the casinos checked online with control of honesty of MD 5.
In certain cases rather just sometimes will resort to service in lease of the lock in Scotland. It can also be made by means of our company. But, if you are in a forceful mood and are going to purchase the lock in Scotland and to become its only owner, we are ready to help with implementation of this idea.
Purchase of the real estate in Scotland - a great choice, both in respect of investment of capital, and in respect of the choice of the country for accommodation. Here amazing nature, of course, if you not the supporter of tropical beaches. Mountains, lakes, green hills, a huge number of islands, lack of the exhausting heat - all this only supplements political and public benefits of Scotland. Friendly locals perfectly get on with visitors, the high level of economy allows to expect the worthy standard of living, and the European approach to development of all parties of society, only adds optimism. As for housing cost in Scotland, It is necessary to tell that it is much lower, than, for example, in London. Here you purchase the whole estate at the same price how many the small apartment in heart of the United Kingdom will cost. Plus to everything, demand considerably exceeds the offer that also guarantees the stable growth of initial cost of housing. In certain cases investors should compete in a fight for the advantageous offer.
Culture, mentality and climate of Scotland are close and clear to the Russian inhabitants. The high level of life and at the same time universal development of the agricultural sphere, allocate this country with special charm which strikingly differs from other European states. Serious development of tourist and industrial aspect of life constantly feeds interest in Scotland, in particular to Edinburgh and Glasgow, investors from other countries. Stable development allows to draw optimistic conclusions and to expect that invested funds will not keep waiting long and will allow to get decent profit.
To doubt the above there are no reasons especially as development of human opportunities goes with great strides. You can purchase the real estate in Scotland and at the same time not exercise personal control, for this purpose there are qualified specialists capable to operate effectively your means and in time to inform on possible changes. It allows our clients to have practically "passive income": a minimum of actions and a maximum of advantage of cooperation with professionals on whom it is possible to rely.