Agricultural complex on Sardinia

Lot: ITС-9151S


The agricultural complex perfectly suitable for favorable investments is located in the city of Sorso, Sardinia. In 7 km from the city and in 4 km from the sea coast. To the large city of Sassari makes 20 km, from the Algero airport — 40 km and 10 km to Kastelsardo.

The complex is located in the fertile valley of the Silis River overlooking the sea and on the archipelago of National park of Azinara. The complex is separated into vineyard and olive grove — 108.943 sq.m and plantation of artichokes and orchard — 35.323 sq.m.

The vineyard has been put 25 years ago. Grapes grades, such as Kannonau, la Monica, either Vermettino and or Moskato, are intended not only for production of sardsky, but also Italian wines. The olive grove is in upper part of complex and contains 300 olive trees for production of olive oil.

The plantation of artichokes contains about 30 thousand plants. The orchard contains about 100 trees among which: citrus, peaches, apricots, drainings and pears.

The complex has the room for storage of stock of 50 sq.m, lodge, of 40 sq.m and all necessary stock for cultivation both artichokes, and fruit trees.

Specialists of AWAY REALTY will also help the clients to pick up great option for investments, for example, the house in the USA.

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