Historical country house in Tuscany

Lot: ITV-3092S


The historical country house is in San Kashano - in - Wal-di-Peza, Tuscany. In only 25 km Florence is located.

In the territory several luxurious houses are located. The main country house, of 1.200 sq.m. Has been constructed in typical Florentine style after World War II. Now in excellent condition it is also used as the house for rest. Other construction, of 400 sq.m, is connected from the main country house, but needs full restoration. One more historical construction, of 674 sq.m which needs restoration. The guest country house has been constructed in the sixties, has the territories, of 3 hectares. The house, of 400 sq.m, needs partial restoration.

All buildings have historical and architectural value. And also guarantees full tranquility to the inhabitants against noise of the outside world.


Area, m2 Bedrooms
1200 5

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