Amazing Maryland estate

5 017 000 €

Lot: USV-2301S


This just amazing estate is in the city of Stivensvill, the State of Meerilend, and includes about 305 meters of the coast of Chesapeake Bay. This estate unique, it offers the owners at the same time privacy and the resort atmosphere. Among distinctive features there are residences: the tremendous floors from Brazil nut made to order windows, imported from Germany, magnificent finishing and furniture. The house has the area about 1300 sq.m and includes 5 magnificent bedrooms, as much bathrooms, one additional bathroom. The wing which is taken away under rest and entertainments has the two-level home theater and also private club with scene and bar. Among other features it is possible to mention guest rooms, lodge at the pool, the sandy beach and own pier.


Area, m2 Bedrooms
1300 5

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