The ancient castle in Meissen

4 580 000 €

Lot: DEV-9589S


The ancient castle is located on the hill over the river Elba in the city of Meissen, Germany. This picturesque area is considered cradle of Saxony. The lock constructed in the 14th century is located on the main square near fortress Albrekhtsburg, episcopal tower and cathedral. The lock which is the former residence of the king Augustus Silny has been transformed from the granary to residential unit, also here the bakery, the stable and kitchen which supplied the lock with food have been located earlier. There lived also the famous meysensky artist Ulrich Uengermann. The lock suitable under hotel demands major repair, the contribution depends on the rebuilding plan. In some rooms ancient elements are kept: beautiful parquet, refined door handles, pig-iron furnaces and meysensky tile. Plottage: 985 sq.m. Total area of structures of the lock: 5.079 sq.m. All infrastructure of the city nearby.


Area, m2

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