The delightful parcel in Lagushe

1 200 000 €

Lot: PTZ-5645S


The delightful parcel which is ideal for construction of the house is located in Lagushe, Portugal. The plottage makes 3293 sq.m. On the site it is possible to build the house of 420 sq.m, there are plans. The site is near the golf resort. Around picturesque landscapes, from the site the view of the Lagoon Alvor opens. To infrastructure by the machine.

Lagush — the ancient city on the river bank Bensafrin with paved small streets and narrow court yard who is still surrounded with fortifications. It is one of the most popular resorts of Algarve, despite its remoteness from other large cities (the closest of them — the Headlight — is in 67 km from Lagush).

Each of tourists is attracted in Lagush by something special: for some it is the richest history which has left behind many monuments for others — the surprising nature, for the third — fine tourist infrastructure.


Area, m2

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