
San Sebastian is a pearl of the Basque Country

San Sebastian is a pearl of the Spanish province and the proud representative of the Basque Country. An excellent exhibit among the museums under the open sky. The French architecture in a frame of natural natural beauty. Fantastic facades of buildings among hilly mountains and the boundless Atlantic Ocean.

In the 19th century, having become the favourite vacation spot of the Spanish kings, San Sebastian attracts high-ranking officials of world powers and stars of the first magnitude also today, but all one after another.

The city was founded in 1180 and up to the 19th century was exposed to the numerous military coups, wars and arsons destroying the city without remainder.

But with receipt to the city of the French, San Sebastian blossomed and received new privileges, thanks to generous attention from the royal family. In the same time the city begins to change profitable thanks to magnificent constructions with which it is actively built up since 1880. It was connected also with the decision to demolish the ancient defensive stone wall limiting development of the city.

By the end of the 19th century construction of several most beautiful architectural monuments of a royal era began at once: San Sebastian cathedral of the Good shepherd (Catedral del Buen Pastor de San Sebastian), Palacio de Miramar and Maria-Christina (Puente de Maria Cristina) Bridge.

In the 20th century the whole galaxy of the monumental buildings which created to the city absolutely special atmosphere of old times was built. All constructions operating are also open for visit of tourists and locals.

What is only costed by the luxurious hotel "Maria Christina" constructed in 1909 according to the sketch of the French architect Charles Meves. The hotel was under construction for royal persons, the European and bourgeois nobility. Thus, to the city the big flow of the high-ranking guests who the one presence raised the status San Sebastian among other cities was attracted.

Today the Hollywood stars coming to the city on a film festival stay in Maria Christina hotel. By the way, in due time such cult persons as Alfred Hitchcock, Coco Chanel, Elizabeth Taylor and many other famous political figures and film celebrities stayed in hotel.

Observing for San Sebastian from height of bird's flight, can seem as if it toy and it is skillfully turned by the talented master from rocks, sand and the sea.

The present management of the city watches closely that it was pleasant to guests and locals to spend here much time. Purchase of the real estate to San Sebastian will give the chance to estimate all superiority of city architecture and its merge to the majestic nature.

So that to return to the city the former importance, after last civil war, there was an idea to organize the International festival of cinema to San Sebastian. The idea was successful and since 1953 annually the film festival attracting a huge number of figures of cinema from around the world and of course the tourists wishing to take a look on celebrities is held here. The resonance of an action is so big that the festival is considered nearly main event in Spain.

All these factors influence growth of persons interested to purchase apartments to San Sebastian in property. The city offers ample opportunities for rest and cultural integration with the world.

Besides, San Sebastian is one of the most net and well-groomed cities of Spain. Walking on its streets, you will hardly meet the garbage thrown by a ballot box. By the way, about ballot boxes, lamps and other attributes of street life: the administration does not save on such important "trifles" and therefore all elements in the city are made of quality materials which harmoniously look with ancient constructions and practically do not contrast with them. From there is not leaving feeling that San Sebastian and remained somewhere in the 19th century and kept charm of that era up to now.

It is easy to explain attractiveness of the city not only it with beautiful appearance, but also a rich stuffing from the exceptional ethnic cuisine and the developed fashion industry.


Buying the real estate to San Sebastian, you shall know that this city is appreciated not only by the high-ranking members of society from a film world and policy, but also gourmets of culinary art. In the world there are only two cities in which there are three restaurants which received three stars of Michelin at once: Paris and San Sebastian.

The ethnic cuisine of the Basque Country is rich in ingredients: seafood, vegetables, fruit and butcher's meat. A huge benefit is that all this has local origin and thanks to soft climate, well all the year round.

As experts speak, the cities in which there are restaurants which received a star of Michelin are already worthy visits. What to tell if to San Sebastian the whole 16 such stars!

No matter, whether you decided to go for the first time to this amazing city or had a desire to purchase the real estate to San Sebastian, surely glance in one of institutions the recognized Michelin delegation.

Among them there is Arzak, family restaurant Huang Mari Arzak and his daughter Elena Arzak. The last, by the way, in 2012 was recognized by the best chef the woman in the world! At restaurant the vanguard kitchen is provided. Both chefs all the life devoted cookeries, having united classical French cuisine with the Basque traditions.

The Martin Berasategui restaurant will surprise you with molecular cuisine and the freshest products of the San Sebastian lands. As you understand, this restaurant also possesses three stars of Michelin.

And finally, Mugaritz restaurant, it has only 2 stars of Michelin that by the standards of San Sebastian not so there is a lot of, but for the rest of the world an indisputable indicator of its superiority. Andoni Luiz Aduris's chef distinguishes philosophical approach to preparation of dishes. As a rule, they consist of 2-3 ingredients, but are prepared by some absolutely unimaginable method. As a result, guests of its restaurant should involve all five feelings to understand what lies before them on a plate. The result is so magnificent that Mugaritz is repeatedly estimated by delegation of Michelin.

The city with the highest concentration of culinary Oscars per capita. San Sebastian the only city in the world where in such small territory so many star restaurants were placed.

But also it not last benefit of the magnificent town of the Basque Country. Judges and experts on fashion industry will pay attention at once that behind not striking appearance of ordinary passersby of San Sebastian eminent brands disappear from Prado to Chanel. In difference from the large Spanish cities to San Sebastian there are no big shops of one brand, but there is something much more interestingly. To be exact, the owners of local showrooms tempted with haute couture who create own authentic islands of style. Having excellent taste, thin knowledge of the world of a fashion, they collect all most important innovations from different brands, skillfully combining colors and styles. Thus, in the showroom it is possible to meet the most relevant innovations of a season in such unusual combination that there can be an impression as though some new brand nowadays not known to public was born.

Women of fashion and shopaholics in San Sebastian can count on unique opening and concentration of the most fashionable clothes and accessories haute couture.

Having decided on purchase of own real estate to San Sebastian, you will never lose. In one city so many benefits to life and rest are collected that it is not dependent on the purchase purpose, you will be in plus.

The soft climate of the region, despite arrangement on the coast of the Atlantic Ocean, pleases with warm weather. Even in winter months temperature seldom falls lower than +5. In summer months weather keeps around +25. Wonderful beaches attract hundreds of tourists here, but much less, than Barcelona and Madrid.

San Sebastian is the city for experienced travelers and these judges beautiful Road of Life.

The local coast is famous for three largest beaches, the most untwisted from which is considered La Concha nearly 1,500 meters long. Near the coast luxury yachts always float, and on the horizon hills and boundless open spaces of the ocean are seen.

San Sebastian is luxury which should be afforded! Specialists of AWAY REALTY will offer the most relevant options of the real estate in San Sebastian. Just call +7 495 258 88 66 or leave the application.

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